
[안드로이드] Google Cloud Messaging For Android(GCM)(1)

쿠샨 2012. 8. 1. 15:06


1. Getting your Sender ID

       ● STEP 1. Register Here.

       STEP 2. Click Create project. Your browser URL will change to something like


                        Take note of the value after #project:(3012522433520 in this example). This is your project ID. and it will be used later

                        on as the GCM sender ID. This id will be used by the Android Device While Registering for Push Notification.



       ● STEP 3. Choose Service tab from the left side menu on the web page. and turn on "Google Cloud Messaging for Android"  


       ● STEP 4. Go to API Access tab from the left menu of web page.

                        Press Create new Server key and note down the generated key


2. Install the Helper Libraries

       SDK Manager의 Extra > Google Cloud Messaging for Android library



3. Writing the Android Application

        - 생략 -

4. Writing the Server-side Application

        - 생략 -




참고 site : http://developer.android.com/guide/google/gcm/gs.html#server-app